Lead Calculator

Our Lead Calculator helps you understand the number of leads you need to achieve your listing goal. 

Simply answer four key questions, and we'll estimate the number of leads needed to meet your targets.

Start planning your success journey today!

How Many Leads Do I Need?

Discover the number of leads, appointments, and conversations needed to reach your real estate goals. These tailored estimates are your blueprint for success.

Consider your ideal number of property listings per month.
This target should be ambitious yet achievable.

On average, how many appointments with potential sellers are needed before you successfully secure a listing?
*Industry average is 3 to 4 appointments.

How many homeowners do you need to get on the phone to secure one appointment?
*We see 7-12 as an average number.
How many dials does it take to get one homeowner on the phone?
*Our clients average 15 to 20 calls.


Lets Break It Down...

Based on your responses, we've calculated the key metrics that are tailored to your unique business strategy, helping you understand the effort needed in terms of appointments, conversations, and leads.

Your annual listing goal is

You'll need this many appointments

Aim for this many conversations with homeowners

Lead Recommendation: Over the next 12 months, you'll need this many leads to meet your goal!

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