Using Predictive Analytics To Help Real Estate Agents
Video Transcription
Brandon Mulrenin: You save agents' time and money. And how you do that is by, instead of sending 1,000 mailers to 1,000 homes, now you're only sending 300 mailers to 300 homes because we've identified the best opportunities for you. Instead of spending time door knocking 1,000 people, calling 1,000 people, you're just focused on the 300 as an example.
I mean, really you're a data analytics company that's doing a deep dive on certain triggers. I mean, this is what, in my opinion, Jared, the value in partnering with a company like yours, if I'm a real estate agent. Listen, man, we can get some really granular information on homeowners that determine their likelihood to sell. There are companies out there that have the predictive analytics. Really, what you're doing is pulling back the curtain saying, "This is how it's happening." Is that right?
Jared Wright: It's how it's... Yeah, exactly. Being a little bit more transparent. I mean, that's what we hang our hat on to our... Exactly showing you exactly what's available and being as true as we can.
Brandon Mulrenin: It's a great opportunity for a real estate agent to go and help somebody, maybe at the highest level, more so than any other seller.
Jared Wright: We really want the best leads in the best market for the agents. And so, these are conversations we're having every day with realtors about what is the price of home that you're looking for? What is your niche, your specialty? And then let's add some of these selections to that to really niche down to have some success. And you know what? They're having success, so it's fun.
Brandon Mulrenin: Yeah, I mean, it's amazing. What we're talking about is this. We're saying there are tens of thousands of homeowners in every city across the country. What we're talking about, you and I, what this podcast segment is about is how to identify the homeowner that has the highest likelihood to sell with the lowest amount of competition. That is what we're talking about.
Jared Wright: That's exactly what we're talking about. If you're circle prospecting or your door knocking and you take that same approach for that niche down segmented list, you're going to have some success. I mean, don't let the type of list be a roadblock. Just go get it, man. Get it done.
Brandon Mulrenin: Well, and quite frankly, yeah. Furthermore, I would add is to, the position I take and the advice that I give is to not just go super wide. Don't go just random. Go super, super niche. Go super narrow.
If you're going to door knock a neighborhood, if you're going to call a neighborhood, again, let's just take the number of, let's just say it's 1,000 homes in this neighborhood that I want to sell real estate in. There's two ways to approach it. And I know you know this, but I want to share this with the audience.
Jared Wright: Absolutely.
Brandon Mulrenin: It might be a great thing to end on. There's 1,000 people in this neighborhood. One way is what 90% of the industry does and says, "Well, I'll just go after all the squirrels." All right. Or what if Jared and I told you that out of that 1,000 homes we could identify the 300 that are most likely to sell their house in the next 12 to 24 months. Would that be information that you might find useful? The answer is absolutely.